Hello everone! I just want to share this interesting trivias I got from http://www.triviacountry.com/17_Medicine_Trivia.htm.
How many miles of blood vessels are there in the average human body?
A: About 62,000.
How many fat cells does the average adult have?
A: Between 40 and 50 billion.
Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?
A: No. No two sets of prints are alike, including those of identical twins.
How much saliva does the average human produce daily?
A: One quart.
How many muscles are there in the human ear?
A: Six.
How many bones are there in the human hand?
A: 27.
What physical symptom is exhibited by those who suffer from blepharospasms?
A: Uncontrollable winking.
Where on the human face is there a muscle known as the corrugator?
A: On the forehead. It's the muscle that contract the forehead into wrinkles and pulls the
eyebrows together.
What part of the human body has the thinnest skin?
A: The eyelid--it's less than 1/100 inch thick.
How many bones are there in your big toe?
A: Fourteen, the same as in your other toes.
What is the average lifespan of a human being's taste bud?
A: From 7 to 10 days.
Truly, our human body is a product of ingenuity of a remarkable Creator! Astig!
5 months ago
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